As you stay at home, please help us to lift a family living in Pakistan out of food poverty. Support families of orphaned children, and other families living in impoverished areas in Pakistan. Our COVID-19 Relief Fund contributes to Food Parcels, Sanitisation Material and Medical Treatments. PLEASE DONATE NOW
Every Human Matters tends to the immediate needs of its victims by: Distributing food, Medicine, Temporary shelter, distribution of blankets to needy people and clothing, Assessing what long-term reconstruction can be undertaken.
Donate Towards This Cause. Give a Little, Change a Lot.
Every Human Matters tends to the immediate needs of its victims by: Distributing food, Medicine, Temporary shelter, distribution of blankets to needy people and clothing, Assessing what long-term reconstruction can be undertaken.
This Year at Every Human Matters you can Donate as Low as £50 for One Food Parcel This Ramadhan